Friday, April 30, 2010

Just Bloggin'

have you ever felt like a song was made for you?
like as soon as it played, you felt it was played
for you & everything that is going.
Well Glee sure did bring back memories this past week
they remade two of my favourite songs & mixed it together
& I really felt like I was meant to hear it.

So this is how it goes.
Old Versions than the remix
Enjoy =)

The 5th Dimension - One Less Bell To Answer

Luther Vandross - A House is not a home

Glee Cast *Will Schuster & April Rhodes*
1 less bell to answer ./. a house is not a home.

1 less bell to answer, 1 less egg to fry
1 less man to pick up after
no more laughter. no more love.
...since he went away.
I'm not meant to live alone
turn this house into a home.
when I climb the stairs
& turn the key please
be there.

& yes I'm aware of my old soul.


have you ever felt
it's the same shit
different people.

- story of my life -

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Go Hard - R.O.S

that good toronto music.

Friday, April 2, 2010

RIP Allen Benn.

I can't believe it's been 3 years already - God Bless Allen Benn & his family.

Good Friday.

Today is Good Friday - The day the God gave his only begotten son to die on the cross for our sins - What have you done for him?