Everywhere I go infidelity seems to be topic of discussion. Ladies are sleeping with their friends significant others, Men are cheating on their girlfriends and etc. And in all honesty I don't blame the men well yeah.. they share some blame in this but
ladies.. handle yourself better. I take it back, the word ladies shouldn't be used so loosely around here;
Maties, homewreckers, sideline hoes & jumpoffs is more politically correct.
IF you know a man has a girlfriend - why would you put yourself in that predicament to destroy a relationship... encouraging dishonesty & irresponsibility on a mans part and you are also disrespecting another female who hasn't done anything to you. And I've heard every jumpoffs excuse.. 'Yeah, but if it wasn't going to be with me..it would be with someone else' or "By the time, I found out - It was too late.. I already fell in love with him'. If there are any females playing the part of a jumpoff.. I just want to inform you.. you will never really truly win & you will never really truly be happy.. lmao. I know that sounds harsh but it's the truth and the reason why I say that is because "If he will cheat WITH you - he will most likely cheat ON you" and if that doesn't really happen just know
What goes around ./. comes around ..
ALWAYS. It may not come in a way that you expect it to but somewhere down the line, Karma will have the last laugh. I'm not here to judge but I'm just stating facts and all readers know that too.
All I have to say is Women of the year 2010 & beyond please carry yourself with respect & dignity. You may not have to like another woman but respect her by allowing her to have what is hers.. her man.. if he is going to cheat - don't devalue yourself by being the girl he cheats with... #thatisall
- Shoutout to all the Alicia Keys & Gabrielle Union's of the world - unno LARGE. -_-
Oh yeah & to the boys making maties possible.. all I can say is "Boys will be boys"