And If you don't.. you don't own a fb account.
All this shit is hard.
I don't back down.
And I don't take punk offs....
being the bigger person is the hardest shit in the fucking world... & now that I think about it I give props to anyone who has ever turned the next cheek when being slapped...cause honestly...this shit is hard. So0o today in my blog entry I will pray.. cause honestly it seems like the only thing that can be done that wont result in jail time
God please grant us the patience that everyone needs very much.
I pray for my friends & family but even more I pray for my enemies and all those who cast evil things among my friends & I.. for the devil is alive today and lurking in material things. I'm glad you wake me up every morning even though its MTHA housing & I take the bus..I am fortunate for what you have done cause there are people out there living worse.I also thank you for that everyday. I admit I don't follow you as I should but I ask you this day for you to lay your strength upon me and my friends.. especially my YFF friends.. give us ALL the strength we need and the ability to turn our cheek and we also pray anyone doing evil among us. God I ask you to watch over us as we grow to be successful ladies. Amen
Friday, May 29, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Mensonge à Moi ...
What an "EVENTFUL" (I really thought Firefox was going to put a red squiggly line under that) DAY! Prank Calls, Private Calls, Regular Phone Calls with Unknown's in the Background. Oh Yeah, YELLING. CUSSING. ATTITUDE. KISSING TEETH & CUT EYES THAT CAN'T BE SEEN!
I need to disappear. I wish I was like my homeboy Harry Potter and had a bloody Invisibility Cloak.
I hate being disappointed and I hate being pissed the fuck off.
My raging bull stance - Isn't a good fit on me.
I need to disappear. I wish I was like my homeboy Harry Potter and had a bloody Invisibility Cloak.
I hate being disappointed and I hate being pissed the fuck off.
My raging bull stance - Isn't a good fit on me.
Why are you so paranoid?.....
You're worried about the wrong things.
Ladies... Like Cocoa said it's 2009. PLEASE act right. Don't do no hood rat shit to piss me off and make me act like a hood rat. I want to be a teacher and perhaps teach your kids in the future and make sure they aren't fools like yourself.. I can't be a teacher if I scrape your face along the concrete & catch a charge cause YOU don't know how to keep your mouth shut...I'm just fucking saying... I'm human and there is only so much I can take. As the week as progressed I've noticed Toronto is full of some dumb ass tricks and it really is sad to say all of the tricks (besides 1) is 20 & up or are pregnant at the moment or already have their kid... FOOLS RAISING CHILDREN.. saddest thing ever...sigh*...Iunno I'm just venting again so0o here are somethings people should know.
1. Not everyone is a hater
But everyone is entitled to their own fucking opinion. If someone calls you ugly.. MAYBE YOU ARE..If someone calls you a whore, think back for a second how much guys you fucked for someone to be saying that. Someone says you have no swag.. MAYBE YOU DON'T.. not everyone is a fucking hater....somethings are actually just true but everyone is so caught up in everyone having haters, I guess it's an excuse when someone calls someone out.. you can just brush it off "Oh..He/She is just a hater" NO. that's now how the world works.. I hafta admit there are the occasional people who are haters BUT not everyone is a fucking hater.. people need to get over themselves.. JEEZE LOUISE.
2. If a man has a girl AND you know it..LET HIM BEEEEEEE.
1. Not everyone is a hater
But everyone is entitled to their own fucking opinion. If someone calls you ugly.. MAYBE YOU ARE..If someone calls you a whore, think back for a second how much guys you fucked for someone to be saying that. Someone says you have no swag.. MAYBE YOU DON'T.. not everyone is a fucking hater....somethings are actually just true but everyone is so caught up in everyone having haters, I guess it's an excuse when someone calls someone out.. you can just brush it off "Oh..He/She is just a hater" NO. that's now how the world works.. I hafta admit there are the occasional people who are haters BUT not everyone is a fucking hater.. people need to get over themselves.. JEEZE LOUISE.
2. If a man has a girl AND you know it..LET HIM BEEEEEEE.
No.. You can't be his wife. No..You can't be the mother of his child. NONE OF THAT SHIT CAN GWAN... Why the fuck would you wanna be with someone who has a significant other? I never understood why girls were so fucking snaky in the first place. Why wouldn't you want someone of your own.. YOU CAN'T SHARE MON.. Its nasty and its nasty... The man has a girl..he's not leaving his girl for you.. LET IT GO.. don't text his phone talking about what you can do and what his girl cant do.. cause if you could do something for him.. HE WOULD BE WITH YOU That's how people get beat up eh..over foolish things like this... Please.. foolish ladies.. you know the man has a girl.. LET HIM BE.
3. Baby Mama Drama.
Listen.... This bullshit right here is what erks me the most.. I don't know where to start.
So your a mother.. Kudos to you... As a mother learn how to fucking act... Too much fucking fools are running around thinking everyone wants the father of their child.. Why are you so paranoid?!Isn't he your husband? Doesn't he love you oh so much? So why are you calling Jane, Mary & BLUE's phone bringing them shit after they have ASSURED you they don't want your man... like ah wha tek you? Post partem depression.. RELAX... If you have to call a next girl cause of YOUR MAN maybe you and your man have some shit to work on.
4. Baby Mama Plans...
ARE NOT COOL... having a child out of spite or to prove a point is ridiculous and your plan WILL backfire in the end and when it does (which it will) don't fucking take your anger on anyone... Pitney nah hol mon again..It never did and It never will. If a man truly loves you he will be with you regardless and treat you how you should be treated.. so before you make that hole in the condom or tell that lie about you being on the pill or not being able to have kids.. THINK ABOUT IT.. Would you want to bring a kid into the world under such conditions.. like come on who wants a trophy child? It's not fair to the man & it's not fair to the child.
5.Using technology to get rude...
is not the business..If you want to make a point through phone, facebook,hi5,tdotwire, writing it in the air, writing it in a letter and dropping off at lake ontario and hoping it finds its way to the person.. BY ALL MEANS go ahead.. I don't care.. it's something I'd so but MAKE SUREEEEE I can't stress this enough MAKE SURE..if you can be a Bod gyal when your doing such things make sure your ready to take bod gyal beats when the person sees you... simple as that.
.. this one is for the dudes.. you guys are moving like some bitches too.
Everything above listed mostly starts from a fucking boy - If you wanna fuck around.. Be a man about it, let the girl know, what she does from there is up to her. You fuckers can't have your cake and eat it too, your fucking around with girls FEELINGS. That's when clothes get burned & dicks get chopped. I know its hard for you fools walking around with a penis but all I ask is be honest with your girl... let her know whats going on cause remember What goes around ./. Comes around... No one can be a player for life... Remember Maybelline told ya!
- Iunno I'm all outta things to say.. I'm 18 and live a crazy life...& if you read my posts you'll know I am not fucking lying Ladies act right & fellas do whats right.. the world could be a better place! -
3. Baby Mama Drama.
Listen.... This bullshit right here is what erks me the most.. I don't know where to start.
So your a mother.. Kudos to you... As a mother learn how to fucking act... Too much fucking fools are running around thinking everyone wants the father of their child.. Why are you so paranoid?!Isn't he your husband? Doesn't he love you oh so much? So why are you calling Jane, Mary & BLUE's phone bringing them shit after they have ASSURED you they don't want your man... like ah wha tek you? Post partem depression.. RELAX... If you have to call a next girl cause of YOUR MAN maybe you and your man have some shit to work on.
4. Baby Mama Plans...
ARE NOT COOL... having a child out of spite or to prove a point is ridiculous and your plan WILL backfire in the end and when it does (which it will) don't fucking take your anger on anyone... Pitney nah hol mon again..It never did and It never will. If a man truly loves you he will be with you regardless and treat you how you should be treated.. so before you make that hole in the condom or tell that lie about you being on the pill or not being able to have kids.. THINK ABOUT IT.. Would you want to bring a kid into the world under such conditions.. like come on who wants a trophy child? It's not fair to the man & it's not fair to the child.
5.Using technology to get rude...
is not the business..If you want to make a point through phone, facebook,hi5,tdotwire, writing it in the air, writing it in a letter and dropping off at lake ontario and hoping it finds its way to the person.. BY ALL MEANS go ahead.. I don't care.. it's something I'd so but MAKE SUREEEEE I can't stress this enough MAKE SURE..if you can be a Bod gyal when your doing such things make sure your ready to take bod gyal beats when the person sees you... simple as that.
.. this one is for the dudes.. you guys are moving like some bitches too.
Everything above listed mostly starts from a fucking boy - If you wanna fuck around.. Be a man about it, let the girl know, what she does from there is up to her. You fuckers can't have your cake and eat it too, your fucking around with girls FEELINGS. That's when clothes get burned & dicks get chopped. I know its hard for you fools walking around with a penis but all I ask is be honest with your girl... let her know whats going on cause remember What goes around ./. Comes around... No one can be a player for life... Remember Maybelline told ya!
- Iunno I'm all outta things to say.. I'm 18 and live a crazy life...& if you read my posts you'll know I am not fucking lying Ladies act right & fellas do whats right.. the world could be a better place! -
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Washing Those Lovely Naps!
It's been a while since my last hair post and since I'm sitting under my bonnet dryer with a protein treatment in my hair [I'm aware it's like 3:00 in the morning], why not do one now lol.
Today I'm gonna talk about how to properly wash your hair. I know you're probably thinking how can you wash your hair wrong? Well I'm here to inform you on how to wash your hair well.
From years of washing my own hair, I've noticed some small things that make it easier to wash your own hair and avoid serious tangles.
1. Detangle your hair with a big tooth comb before you begin washing. This is the best thing you can do to avoid tangles. Remember when you comb start from the ends and work your way to the top. TRUST ME ITS EASIER. Don't get frustrated and rip the comb through your hair like I used to do. This step is especially important if you've just taken out braids or a weave.
2. Rinse your hair before about 2-3 minutes before you add your shampoo. When the hair is thoroughly soaked, it lathers much easier and you avoid wasting shampoo (once again like I used to do).
3. Add your shampoo but don't kill it on the first lather. When you're hair is really dirty do you notice that it doesn't lather very well the first time? Don't keep adding soap until it lathers cause trust me you'll just waste soap. Just work your fingers for like 2 minutes and rinse it out, even if you don't see a drop of lather. On your second lather you'll see that it lathers much easier because you've rinsed most of the hardcore dirt off the first time.
4. When washing try not to scratch your scalp with your nails even though it FEELS SO GOOOD; it;s bad for your scalp. Use the pads of your fingertips. I'm still getting the hang of doing this lol.
5. Use lukewarm water when washing so the cuticles on your hair strands will open and be ready for your conditioner after. Don't use scalding hot water either because this can dry your hair out.
6. When you're done washing, BLOT your hair with a towel don't rub it around like crazy because this can damage your hair. Remember when your hair is wet that is when it is the most fragile. You can even use an old t-shirt because they have less resistant on a towel and dry your hair faster (surprisingly).
7. Now you're hair is ready for conditioning! You can use a regular conditioner or you can deep condition it's up to you. Some people deep condition every time they wash and some don't. Your choice. A good tip when conditioning your hair is to use cold water on your last rinse. This closes your cuticles that have been open and makes your hair shaft smoother and softer, which allows for less detangles.
8. When you're all done remember to detangle once again with a big toothed comb (best combs ever for washing and detangling) and you can choose to air dry or blow dry. If blow drying, use a heat protectant beforehand to avoid heat damage. I use IC Fanatasia Heat Protectant and it works well.
Okay now you're ready to wash your hair! Ready, set, goooooo. =)
P.S: Folks please don't wash your hair once every 3 months cause that's just gross. I know some parents have raised their children that way LOL, so it's not your fault but COME ON. I think you should wash your hair at the LEAST every 2 weeks. If my hair isn't in a weave, I prefer every week. I think you can get away with longer if your hair is in a weave but don't push it. When my hair is weaved up I wash it every 2 weeks. =)
Cocoa.Berry [xoxo]
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
.. That's What I'm Talking 'Bout...
I am no longer the SAME person I was before last week Thursday!
HOW DARE THEY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The world is spoiling (Now all those fluent in Twi, say that in Twi. Sounds better)
I wish I could post the link but yeah I am scared for my life and will never drive past Woodbine Race Track and think the same.
Can you imagine a man taking a horse in his butthole. Bending over.. Backwards (Too much RDX) .. WELL IF YOU CAN IMAGINE THAT THEN YOU HAVE BLOODY SICK MIND AND I WILL TAKE THE BLOOD OF JESUS TO BITE YOUR EYES (Say that in Twi too)
The irony of that whole stunt was this man did this to "save" the horse and he ended up passing away after. Life Mash Up!
--- Bonne Nuit
I am no longer the SAME person I was before last week Thursday!
HOW DARE THEY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The world is spoiling (Now all those fluent in Twi, say that in Twi. Sounds better)
I wish I could post the link but yeah I am scared for my life and will never drive past Woodbine Race Track and think the same.
Can you imagine a man taking a horse in his butthole. Bending over.. Backwards (Too much RDX) .. WELL IF YOU CAN IMAGINE THAT THEN YOU HAVE BLOODY SICK MIND AND I WILL TAKE THE BLOOD OF JESUS TO BITE YOUR EYES (Say that in Twi too)
The irony of that whole stunt was this man did this to "save" the horse and he ended up passing away after. Life Mash Up!
--- Bonne Nuit
Monday, May 11, 2009
I know we are tired of hearing it's '09 so act right and yadda yadda, BUT FOR REAL THOUGH IT'S '09 ACT RIGHT. I mean most of the people I know are out of their teens or will be next year [Hi Maybelline] so it's time to stop the fuckery. I've compiled a short list of stupidness I've noticed in our community and believe they should be brought to an immediate hault.
1. Girls buying Haterade in packs of 50.
Stop hating on other girls when they have done nothing to YOU. Jealous bitches are never cute. Don't hate a girl just cause your man wants her or because her hairstyle is FLY AS HELL or because she can dress or because you can't be her. THESE THINGS ARE NOT HER FAULT LOL. Oh and stop with the stares cause not everyone will look away when you stare them down okay? Some of us are crazy and will stare the fuck back or cuss you out. If you have a problem with someone TELL THEM or at least message them on facebook like damn lol.
2. Pitney Nuh Hol' a Mon Down
If you haven't heard the song then find it. Do not have a baby for a man to hold him cause IT WILL NOT WORK and it's not fair to the child. A man will love you because he loves you not because you decided to trap him and change all his life plans ANNND yours. No one wants a trophy child, plus it's kind of embarrassing when the whole world knows you're pregnant out of spite LOL. Shout out to all the baby mommas that had their child out of LOVE and not due to plotting and scheming.
If you're a baby father in '09 congratulations to you. Now, please do not become a stereotypical baby father and act like you don't have a child or a child on the way. Sorry but you can't be that young male that grinds up on every girl in the party or tries to spit game to other girls on the low. First of all its disrespectful to your baby mother or wife. She's at home with swollen fucking feet and you're running around like a 12 year old boy that just discovered sex, CUT IT OUT. Start planning for your child and stop acting like an idiot. --EDIT: If you are a baby father who has been trapped then I am sorry you were fooled but you still have to be there for your child even if you're baby mother is evil. I understand the overwhelming temptation to say fuck her but just hang on for 18 years YOU CAN DO IT! After that you can hang with your child instead of the baby mother. =)
This compiled list is not to offend anyone. So before you pick up your cell phone and press *67 , remember that if you're mad, something on this list MUST apply to you and it hurts. This list is to promote change. Don't you see how people have their thoughts and sterotypes about black people and the sad part is they are often right on the money? LETS CHANGE THAT PLEASE.
No one is perfect but let's not act like fools because of that okay children?
I type it out of loveee. =)
Cocoa.Berry [xoxo].
Friday, May 8, 2009
Just something I thought you should know....
P.S. Whats wrong with celine dion below me
& for the record breaking into my house is NOT cool..what if I was giving a red light special...PRIVACY INVADED MUCH!
& for the record breaking into my house is NOT cool..what if I was giving a red light special...PRIVACY INVADED MUCH!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Due to our unconditional love for Maybelline North-East, Ashley (Koko), Fash, Shem & I camped outside of May's house until she popped out of whatever corner she disappeared too. After waiting for an hour and having a sudden urge to urinate we decided to climb to her living room window =) We thought about doing this before (once again in the rain) when May was locked out of her house and had no keys but since she is such a dunce-cap and didnt realize her keys were REALLY in the front of Adjoa Serwaa's vechile we didn't get to try that plan out. SO, with the assistance of a young stud, Koko climbed into the window of May's living room and opened the window and broke into her house... RAIN OR SHINE! ALLLLLLLLLLLL BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU MAYBELLINE! NOW START SLEEPING WITH YOUR HOUSE PHONE!
On another note, SOME people in this world are just fucking assholes. First acid now this: "The One You Came to See."
And Um. I'm upset. Why is Page's video coming out now. I heard "I'm Still Fly" in EARLY Aug '08 at Caribana Sunday Hot 97 Party (A MUST ATTEND PAR-TAY!) .. LIKEEEE! UGH! I wish it came out earlier =(
On another note, SOME people in this world are just fucking assholes. First acid now this: "The One You Came to See."
And Um. I'm upset. Why is Page's video coming out now. I heard "I'm Still Fly" in EARLY Aug '08 at Caribana Sunday Hot 97 Party (A MUST ATTEND PAR-TAY!) .. LIKEEEE! UGH! I wish it came out earlier =(
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Who knows when the fuck you will see this but
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
This weekend has done nothing but piss me off. First of all just to get to work alone yesterday was hell; it felt like I was on some kind of reality show. My goal yesterday morning was to make it to my stop by 8:12 because the next bus came it at 8:42 which would make me late. So I was on a roll and was a few stops away. This FUCKING man in a scooter or electric wheelchair WHATEVER, has the nerve to ring the bell and then get up out of his wheelchair with nooo limping, no problem whatsoever; picks up his heavy ass box that he left on the place where it says you shouldn't sit [lol] and walks off the bus.
THEN he comes back up on the bus so he can sit back on his damn scooter and take TEN YEARS just to reverse the damn scooter off the bus. --I don't think I've ever been so mad without opening my mouth. Why the fuck are you on a scooter if you can walk?! Like if you can pick up a heavy ass box and walk with it off the bus then you should've PICKED UP THE FUCKING SCOOTER AND TAKE IT OFF THE BUS TOO FOOL. Oh my gosh like these are the people that are scamming people for our tax money. So after delaying me I still had like 2 minutes to get there, not knowing that I got onto the wrong bus and it turned RIGHT BEFORE MY STOP.
So now I got off and started running to the damn bus stop and what do I see? My bus leaving my ass behind because my luck is THAT BAD FOLKS. Today it took me soooo long to get home because of the damn YRT bus. Like 3.25 just to get down the street? Plus I had to partially cab it to work because the bus doesn't run that damn early? LIKE UGH FUCK EVERYONE! I am too young to be going through all these trials and tribulations, especially by myself. =(
You guys don't know how pissed I am right now for real. -
Cocoa.Berry [xoxo].
Stuck In My Head.
Cause when the tears start flowin' and the wind starts blowin'
That's how you know it's coming for you
When the rain start fallin' and you feel the pain comin'
That's how you know it's coming for you
When the rain start fallin' and you feel the pain comin'
That's how you know it's coming for you
Just like a hurricane..the way you break everything that comes in your way
Just like a hurricane...the way you broke my heart now I'm left with the pain
After the hurricane.
Just like a hurricane..the way you break everything that comes in your way
Just like a hurricane...the way you broke my heart now I'm left with the pain
After the hurricane.
Jazmine Sullivan
After the hurricane.
After the hurricane.
.. Night Runner
- Um. Is it me just being really sleepy or does the counter say 67(insert number here).
Mer likes to refresh the blog too much. LIKEEEEEEEEEEEEE, refreshING the blog six-hundred and seventy-something times, GEEZ MER GET A LIFE!
All jokes aside though, I am quite surprised to see that many views. I didn't really think anyone would view our blog. God Bless the viewers.
What a way time flies. The week is over and I feel like if I took pictures of what we did from Sunday to Saturday you would REALLY see where the blog got its name from. INTENSE late nights - til the break of dawn. Usually the sun is slowly blessing the sky at around six but it decided to step out early instead at five. If you really haven't gotten the chance to just take in the sunrise from outside your window or while driving on empty roads, please do. It is really pretty.
Bonne Nuit
- Oh yeah! Ne-Yo has a video for "Part of the List" (if you didn't know already I AM an R&B head & Ne-Yo Fan) .. *sigh - Plays the song in Windows Media Player* TOO BAD THE BLOODY VIDEO CAN NOT BE EMBEDDED! TWO MIDDLE FINGERS TO YOU YOUTUBEEEEEEEE! CHEW! Ok. Now the penguin of R&B needs a video for "Fade Into the Background," "Back To What You Know," "Lie to Me," The Rest of the Year of the Gentleman Album, "Ready to Fall," "Me Without You" & OF COURSE "My Diamond" <3 <3 <3 and I will be ever so grateful. Oh yeah, I would love to see a video for Lloyd's "Party Girl," as well. My chest is very high. No harm in daydreaming when you're about to dream.
Bonne Nuit.
- Diamond Girl
Elii. AK
Mer likes to refresh the blog too much. LIKEEEEEEEEEEEEE, refreshING the blog six-hundred and seventy-something times, GEEZ MER GET A LIFE!
All jokes aside though, I am quite surprised to see that many views. I didn't really think anyone would view our blog. God Bless the viewers.
What a way time flies. The week is over and I feel like if I took pictures of what we did from Sunday to Saturday you would REALLY see where the blog got its name from. INTENSE late nights - til the break of dawn. Usually the sun is slowly blessing the sky at around six but it decided to step out early instead at five. If you really haven't gotten the chance to just take in the sunrise from outside your window or while driving on empty roads, please do. It is really pretty.
Bonne Nuit
- Oh yeah! Ne-Yo has a video for "Part of the List" (if you didn't know already I AM an R&B head & Ne-Yo Fan) .. *sigh - Plays the song in Windows Media Player* TOO BAD THE BLOODY VIDEO CAN NOT BE EMBEDDED! TWO MIDDLE FINGERS TO YOU YOUTUBEEEEEEEE! CHEW! Ok. Now the penguin of R&B needs a video for "Fade Into the Background," "Back To What You Know," "Lie to Me," The Rest of the Year of the Gentleman Album, "Ready to Fall," "Me Without You" & OF COURSE "My Diamond" <3 <3 <3 and I will be ever so grateful. Oh yeah, I would love to see a video for Lloyd's "Party Girl," as well. My chest is very high. No harm in daydreaming when you're about to dream.
Bonne Nuit.
- Diamond Girl
Elii. AK
Saturday, May 2, 2009
So It's my motherfucking month BITCHESS!
So other than being "Octobers Very Own" & a raging scale.
I like to claim this month & thank God my dukes is in ghana while MAYBELLINE MONTH.
So0o bitches,hoes, niggahs & catties - look out for all my get togethers celebrating ME.
I like to claim this month & thank God my dukes is in ghana while MAYBELLINE MONTH.
So0o bitches,hoes, niggahs & catties - look out for all my get togethers celebrating ME.
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