It's been a while since my last hair post and since I'm sitting under my bonnet dryer with a protein treatment in my hair [I'm aware it's like 3:00 in the morning], why not do one now lol.
Today I'm gonna talk about how to properly wash your hair. I know you're probably thinking how can you wash your hair wrong? Well I'm here to inform you on how to wash your hair well.
From years of washing my own hair, I've noticed some small things that make it easier to wash your own hair and avoid serious tangles.
1. Detangle your hair with a big tooth comb before you begin washing. This is the best thing you can do to avoid tangles. Remember when you comb start from the ends and work your way to the top. TRUST ME ITS EASIER. Don't get frustrated and rip the comb through your hair like I used to do. This step is especially important if you've just taken out braids or a weave.
2. Rinse your hair before about 2-3 minutes before you add your shampoo. When the hair is thoroughly soaked, it lathers much easier and you avoid wasting shampoo (once again like I used to do).
3. Add your shampoo but don't kill it on the first lather. When you're hair is really dirty do you notice that it doesn't lather very well the first time? Don't keep adding soap until it lathers cause trust me you'll just waste soap. Just work your fingers for like 2 minutes and rinse it out, even if you don't see a drop of lather. On your second lather you'll see that it lathers much easier because you've rinsed most of the hardcore dirt off the first time.
4. When washing try not to scratch your scalp with your nails even though it FEELS SO GOOOD; it;s bad for your scalp. Use the pads of your fingertips. I'm still getting the hang of doing this lol.
5. Use lukewarm water when washing so the cuticles on your hair strands will open and be ready for your conditioner after. Don't use scalding hot water either because this can dry your hair out.
6. When you're done washing, BLOT your hair with a towel don't rub it around like crazy because this can damage your hair. Remember when your hair is wet that is when it is the most fragile. You can even use an old t-shirt because they have less resistant on a towel and dry your hair faster (surprisingly).
7. Now you're hair is ready for conditioning! You can use a regular conditioner or you can deep condition it's up to you. Some people deep condition every time they wash and some don't. Your choice. A good tip when conditioning your hair is to use cold water on your last rinse. This closes your cuticles that have been open and makes your hair shaft smoother and softer, which allows for less detangles.
8. When you're all done remember to detangle once again with a big toothed comb (best combs ever for washing and detangling) and you can choose to air dry or blow dry. If blow drying, use a heat protectant beforehand to avoid heat damage. I use IC Fanatasia Heat Protectant and it works well.
Okay now you're ready to wash your hair! Ready, set, goooooo. =)
P.S: Folks please don't wash your hair once every 3 months cause that's just gross. I know some parents have raised their children that way LOL, so it's not your fault but COME ON. I think you should wash your hair at the LEAST every 2 weeks. If my hair isn't in a weave, I prefer every week. I think you can get away with longer if your hair is in a weave but don't push it. When my hair is weaved up I wash it every 2 weeks. =)
Cocoa.Berry [xoxo]
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