Tuesday, October 20, 2009

FYL ( Fuck Your Lives) I hate you all.

Honestly on some real shit - when men, boys or whatever you call yourselves these days.. if you're walking around with penis than this applies.. WHEN YOU ARE DOING WHATEVER...cheating on your girl, lying to your girl, saying hurtful shit to your girl.. the girl you claim you "love" are you thinking about the feelings that are involved in this thing you guys called a relationship, are you thinking that this is someones LIFE & just like YOU they are a person and have feelings.. Do you ever think about how you would feel if your girl was to pull such stunts.. You fucking BOYS always want a ride or die but if you were ever to endure the same shit you put your girl through you wouldn't be able to handle.. if you were to walk in your girlfriends fucking HEELS for a day - you wouldn't know how to handle it.. STOP DOING FUCKED UP SHIT...point blank period... I'm not even going to try to sound educated in the post cause most of you fucking fucks don't even deserve for me to be talking to you on a educational level... let me make this as simple as possible.. IF YOU KNOW YOU WOULDN'T LIKE IT IF YOUR LOVED ONE DID IT TO YOU..DONT.FUCKING.DO.IT - if you know you wanna fuck around.. let the person know and if they choose to stay and deal with it that's their own fault.. you fucking LOOSE CANNONS are going around dropping your fucking seeds in any fucking peice of fucking dirt having kids and than regreting what happend, trying to rekindle that old love... GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER.. ALMOST DOESNT COUNT...KARMA IS A BITCH AND YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND OUT THE HARD WAY..( you fools have me caplockin and shit).. always talking about how "oh it was a mistake" ONCE is a mistake TWICE you liked THREE FOUR FIVE TIMES.. YOUR FUCKING DUMB but you know whattttttttttttt I dont even blame you fucking boys.. sometimes LADIES are taking some unnesscary shit like I ALWAYS say "If he gives you shit & you keep taking shit.. you will keep on getting shit - DONT EXPECT NO DIFFERENT" ladies need to wise up and know that you are worth so much more - In all honesty I dont know what im talking about.. all I know is I want to sleep & I need to rant and rave about this.. And for the mixup ducks.. don't think this applies to ME or any of my fellow bloggers. I JUST HAD TO RANT & RAVE.. well bonne nuit.. ( I guess) I have more shit to bitch and complain about tomorrow.

P.S I hate the opposite sex.

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