In honor of Black History Month - I thought to myself why not blog about Toronto's very own rapper Spek-Won.( you know - before he blows up and forgets about the little people). If you've been living under a rock - we had his song "hip-life" playing in our little player - this is not someone to be slept on. This rexdale rapper is breaking barriers, setting trends and educating the world on the content of "Hip-life" & his Ghanaian heritage. Spek-Won started rapping at the age of nine, the rappers who influence this groundbreaking artist are Nas & Wu-Tang Clan. Below are a couple of questions I asked the upcoming rapper.
May:You have an old school rap vibe (which I lovee) in a society like today - how do keep that flow in tact?
Spek:Simple. I don't listen to anything new. I'd say 90% of the songs in my ipod are from before the year 2000. I don't get inspired by other artists now as often as I used to. Now a days I get more inspired my movies, books,or even speeches.
May:Do you think will be hard to grab the attention of people with your flow?
Spek: Naw not at all. Funny thing is a lot of the younger cats tell me that they think my style is new and fresh, when really it's just a style from before there time that's updated and translated.
May: Whats your latest cd or mixtape out and what are you working on and who have you worked with and who would you like to work with?
Spek:Right now I've got the Preemo Donna mix tape out and "Hip Life" is making noise all over the place. The next joint that I'm working on is called MG&R (Machine Gunz & Rozes), and it's CRAZY! I love what the city is saying right now. I'm surrounded by so much talent that I don't need to look anywhere else. I'm just working with my camp and associates like Erik Flowchild, Wolf J, Lord Quest, Rich Kidd, Tona, The OBGMs. Tdot is sayin it right now really.
Such a humble dude - if you haven't checked out any of his music check out him out on the links below
http://www.spekwon.com/ http://www.myspace.com/spekwonmusicFacebook Group - The Spek-Won Experience.
Twitter - spekwon