Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Well I'm not really all that new to the drama scene - I've had my years of "F.A.M.E"(Fuck. All. My. Enemies) but it doesn't really bother me & this Formspring shit.. won't really bother me all that much either. Those who do not have me on facebook or unless you have been living under a rock.. I opened up a formspring & watched the haters pour in. I've heard all the questions like "Why would you even bother to get a formspring?" FYI - I had formspring and heard of formspring courtesy of Twitter... before all these Ghanaians caught on to it - but leave it up to the Ghanaian community to spoil a good thing. I have also seen people write "Why bother getting a formspring if you are mix-up or have a bad reputation?" Mix-up is the last thing I am and Bad Rep? I didn't know I was a whore until this anonymous website showed up but needless to say "FUCK ALL YALL - WE IGNORE FEELINGS AROUND HERE".. I don't give a fuck if I was entertaining your boredom, I don't give a fuck if you have a new outlook on me whether it be negative or positive, I don't give a fuck if you believed everything the "person or persons" asked me. I still do me and I still woke up the next morning. Some may say I'm stupid for entertaining this and some may I'm raw..whatever your opinion is..Congrats & Thank You. All i know is I'm just being me..Marisa, which clearly is annoying someone out in this world. My formspring is still up - so0o if you want to continue to insult with me your "questions" go ahead... just know I have been answering every question honestly & I will continue do so..I'm Me & that is all I can me. And to all the "Anonymous" #BATS threatening me and "YFF" March 6th - see you there on my #flygirlshit 2010- F.A.M.E #Ohletsdotittttt.

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