Yes I know I said I was going to do a hair post last night but yea things happen lol; I'm more prepared to do a hair post right now anyway.
So for those of you who are starting your hair journey, it may help to know your hair type. I know some of you black girls are sitting there like "WELLLL MY HAIR TYPE IS NAPPY," lol stop it right now. Everyone has a hair type regardless of how "light" or "dark" you are. Trust me I've witnessed my self.
Now remember that this is just a guideline to figure out your hair type it's not so black and white but you'll be able to figure out your hair type a little easier. So let's begin shall we class?
The first category is generally known as Type 1:
This type of hair is bone straight and has almost no curl pattern whatsoever. No not every white girl falls into this category. This is dead straight. A lot of Asian people tend to fall into this category. This hair type is the least prone for breakage which may make it seem like the hair grows "faster." It's just that this hair type has a lot less breakage.
The second category is Type 2 :
This is my example of a Type 2[c] hair type:
The third category is Type 3:
The fourth and finaly category is Type 4:
Okay so this hair category has two subtypes. I categorize the girl on the left, Janelle Monae, as a 4[a]. This hair type is very deceiving in my opinion. When you comb this hair type out it just becomes an afro so it's hard to see the actual curls like you see in the photo. However when you're washing it you can see the hair type all of a sudden. My friend Cookie is a good example of this hair. I never knew this girl was a 4a until I washed her hair! Most of her hair is natural so you can see it better and it's so pretty! My love muffin, Blue, also has this texture mixed with a little of the next category. However I can only tell when I'm washing her hair and when she hasn't relaxed her hair in a while.
Whew. Okay so hopefully now you can find your hair type. If you have relaxed hair you won't know your hair type because the natural texture has been chemically straightened. You can extend your relaxer and look at your new growth to figure it out. I find that it's easier to tell on wet hair.
Ta-Ta for now folks!
Cocoa.Berry [xoxo].
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