Well if we have tips about hair, why not add skin into the mix? I wanted to talk about skin and Maybelline was thinking about it too so from time to time we will share tips and advice about skin health. Remember, these tips aren't just for females it's for everyone who cares enough. =)
I guess I'll just start with the basics that I believe everyone should at least have in their bathroom cabinets.
1. A good cleanser
--There are a lot of cleansers out there, and I believe when choosing one you should consider your skin type. You may have dry skin, combination-skin (oily forehead, nose, and chin [T-Zone]), normal skin, or oily skin. If you have oily skin or combination, go for a cleanser that is oil-free and contains salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a common ingredient that helps fight pimples and you normally see them on products for oily skin or acne-prone skin because it helps skin cells to shed easily, which promotes new skin growth. Folks with normal skin should go for a cleanser that maintains the balance of oil in their skin; something simple like Dove soap would be good enough in my opinion if you have normal-type skin. Finally, those with dry skin should go for moisturizing cleansers that won't strip your skin's natural oils. Try to avoid salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, etc. because they normally tend to dry out your skin.
2. An Exfoliant. --Honestly, I don't know how some people get by with out one. Exfoliants help to get rid of dead skin cells that may block your pores and encourage new skin cells to form. It also gives you smooth ass skin lol. Look for products that say "exfoliant" or "facial scrub". It is very important to not use an exfoliant everyday [even if the bottle says so] because it really isn't needed. Dead skin is not gonna build up on your skin in just 24 hours so once or twice a week is good enough. If you exfoliate too often it can damage your skin. You may start to see tiny little random holes on your skin...that's how you'll know to stop [it has happened to me before..it's called getting carried away]. Also PLEASE DO NOT use a body scrub on your face. Body scrubs have way bigger grains in the product because the skin on your body is thicker and tougher than on your face. If you do this, it will FUCK up your face seriously lol I had to swear a little for that one.
3. A moisturizer.
--I had to teach myself to use a moisturizer on my face after I washed it at night because my face can get oily and I thought I'd make it worse if I lotioned my face and went to bed. Well, I learned that when you dry out your skin, it produces more oil to accomdate itself which completely contradicts my inital intention to keep it non-oily lol. So oily/combo-skinned people, look for a moisturizer that is oil-free and non-comodogenic [won't clog pores]. To be honest, the only time I won't moisturize is if I have some sort of pimple cream on my face at night lol, but that's just me; and other time I will moistuize.
Okay so those are the basics, I'm gonna leave you all with a recommendation. This is a product that is cheap and that I loveeeeeeeee because it makes your skin so smooth and if you have big ass pores like I do, it reduces those bad boys like no OTHER. You can't get rid of big pores but you can definitely reduce them and this is the only product that I use that actually does that. It's called Queen Helene's Mint Julep Masque.

Disclaimer: Please remember that I am not a dermatologist and these are just recommendations from personal research and experience so don't come tell me anything if your face falls off, thanks.
That's all ladies and gentlemen. Hope this helps ya!
Cocoa.Berry [xoxo].
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