Now Elizabeth or whomever may say I'm bitter.. but I honestly am not - do you know how annoying couples are? cheww - and walking around holding hands, making out in public, showing their affection for me to fucking look at.. like fucking honestly...Disney movies pisssssssssssss me off too - sigh* with their corny motherfucking endings that never fucking happen in real life UGH - fuck the little mermaid( I lied.. I love that movie) plus Ursula said the smartest thing Ive ever heard in a disney movies.. SO MUCH FOR TRUE LOVE like honestly ah dat mi ah seh and the fucking couples who ALWAYS argue about fucking foolishness like what color the sky is.. they pissss me the fuck off too. Say what you feel fi seh - cause it's not cause I'm single.. couples are just fucked.. their are the occasional ones I LOVEEEE but at least 98% I can't fucking stand.. if i could throw them in a ditch together and bury them alive.. hm..Only God knows. I do believe in "love" I just believe in love in your own fucking bedroom.. not on the street corner where I can fucking see you.. like NAH TIME... so whomever may read this.. don't make me catch you making out, holding hands, having pety arguments, in front of me.. if your my friend you will catch a screw face but a stranger might just catch my spit - sigh...I can't sleep and I'm waiting for Cocoa to condition my dry head andd my stomach hurts and I dont know.. its my fucking blog.. I can say what I fucking want to.. COUPLES I HAVE FUCKING WARNED YOU.. stay clear.. cause nah time.
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